Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Accompanist
  • Arranger
  • Audio Technician
  • Conductor
  • Music Therapist
  • Performer
  • Performing Arts Management
  • Producer
  • Recording Engineer
  • Teacher

For individuals who


Looking for

Courses in music theory, literature, history and conducting. 与NDSU训练有素的音乐学院教师一起上私人课程,并参加合奏. 

To become

  • Accompanist
  • Audio Technician
  • Conductor
  • Performer
  • Performing Arts Management


The Program

新大查利音乐学院拥有优秀的学生、教师、员工和设施. 该项目自1970年以来一直获得美国国家音乐学院协会的认可,自1904年以来,该项目在合奏方面有着强大的卓越传统. 教职员工致力于为所有新大学生提供优秀的音乐机会,无论他们是渴望成为专业音乐家还是只想利用新大的许多音乐机会.

The Faculty

新大音乐系教师在演奏方面具有国际资质, music education and academic studies. All full time faculty members have doctorates in music; adjunct faculty members and graduate students provide additional instruction to achieve a well-balanced program.

The Degrees

NDSU的查利音乐学院提供该地区最丰富的学位课程, 从以音乐为重点的文科学位到以学士为重点的专业音乐学位, master’s and doctoral levels.

Undergraduate music majors take courses in music theory, music literature, music history, and conducting; receive private lessons on a selected instrument and/or in voice; and participate in a major ensemble. Other courses are selected within chosen areas of concentration. 在所有的课程中,乐虎集团器乐或声乐学习发展音乐和表演能力. 学生接受私人课程取决于表现出的音乐能力和可用的工作人员资源.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in music are liberal arts degrees with an emphasis in music. 除了通识教育的核心和音乐的集中, 学生完成两年的外语能力或辅修学位. Students take a minimum of 15 credits in music electives.

The Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.在北达科他州的公立学校获得K-12声乐和器乐认证, 并满足明尼苏达州认证主要领域的基本协议.

The B.Mus. 在表演上的表现会导致专业表演生涯或为研究生学习做准备. 学生选择器乐,声乐或钢琴研究的浓度.

The B.在写作上取得好成绩会导致职业生涯或为读研做准备.


Further, 音乐学院开设辅修音乐课程,包括20学分的音乐课程, including applied study, ensembles, academic studies and electives.

Career Opportunities

音乐教育的学位课程为学生准备了作为小学的机会, high school or college teachers, 而表演学位的学生通常寻求表演或指挥的职业. Graduates often choose careers as professional teachers, instrumentalists or vocalists, and conductors. 在各种音乐行业也有更多的一般机会.

Music Performance Opportunities

所有新大的学生都可以参加所有的音乐合奏团,而不考虑专业,并提供课程学分(通常每个小组一个学期)。. Ensembles are some of the most rewarding experiences in college, 并鼓励所有对音乐有兴趣的学生参与.

The Gold Star Marching Band 在秋季学期的所有主场橄榄球比赛中担任队员,并参加特别活动. 该小组每周排练三天,对所有学生开放.

The Concert Choir meets five days per week, both fall and spring semesters. Open by audition, 该旅行团每年进行一次地区性或全国性的旅行,每三年去一次欧洲国家.

The NDSU Wind Symphony NDSU的大型管乐器和打击乐器合奏团是什么. Members meet both fall and spring semesters and tour annually. Open by audition.

A smaller ensemble, Madrigal Singers, 表演从文艺复兴到当代的曲目. 这个试镜小组在秋季和春季学期每周开会三天,并在12月制作年度牧歌晚宴,并与音乐会合唱团一起巡回演出. Members are auditioned from Concert Choir.

The Jazz Ensembles are two jazz big bands, generally of about 20 musicians each. Ensembles meet two times per week fall and spring semesters. Open by audition.

In Opera Theatre, opera scenes are rehearsed and produced each semester. This auditioned group meets three times per week. 按照传统,音乐学院每年春季学期都会上演一部完整的歌剧或音乐剧.

A second concert band, University Band is open to all students by audition for section placement. 大学乐队每周聚会三次,每学期有两场音乐会. The University Symphony Orchestra performs 2 concerts each semester.

The University Chamber Singers 是一个由来自不同专业和学科的学生组成的混合合唱团吗. 他们表演各种各样的音乐,每学期至少在两场音乐会演唱. There is an audition for this ensemble.

Cantemus 表演SA所有时期的文学作品,每周聚会两次. NDSU Statesmen 展示所有时期的结核病文献,每周举行两次会议. Both choirs perform at least two concerts each semester. There is no audition for these ensembles.

Chamber ensembles include the percussion ensemble, brass ensemble, brass chamber ensembles, woodwind chamber ensembles (including flute quartets, clarinet ensembles, saxophone quartets and mixed woodwinds), vocal chamber ensembles, piano chamber ensembles and jazz combos.

The Curricula

音乐学位课程各不相同,因为有很多选择. All music degrees, however, 特色的音乐课程,包括乐虎集团课程的一般核心, ensembles, supportive music courses, academic music studies and electives. 课程指南可从网上和音乐学院获得.